David Béjar Cáceres Apps

UTPL Test Score 2.2
With this app you´ll be able to calculate yourscore of the Exams from the Universidad Técnica particular de Loja,UTPL.To calculate the score, the app uses this formula:Score = Corrects - (errors / (n-1))Where:Corrects = amount of good answered questionsErrors = amount of wrong answered questionsn = amount of options per question(example: if we have options a,b,c,d, then n = 4)Great tool for the students of the Universidad Técnica Particularde Loja and any other institution where the score is calculatedusing this system.Developed by:David Béjar Cáceresmail: [email protected]: 593998818095
UTPL Score Calculator 1.0
With this application you can calculate your qualification oftheface-to-face exams of the Universidad UniversidadTécnicaParticular de Loja, UTPL. To calculate the formula is used:hits -(errors / n-1) where: hits = amount correct questions errors=number of wrong questions n = number of alternatives perquestion(example: if there were literals a, b, c, d then n = 4)Great toolfor all university students of the UTPL and any otherinstitutionthat uses this rating system. You do not have Androidand you wantto calculate? ... Download the Windowsversion:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-DZ1Ya-3kXnWDNEaXJ4ZGlSaHc/view?usp=sharingDevelopedby: David Béjar Cáceres mail: [email protected]:593998818095